Saturday, October 29, 2011

A pumpkin lesson

A couple of years ago when I went to my son's church, the little kids' Sunday School class read this book. I loved the idea and decided to use the analogy of pumpkin cutting to teach the grandkids.
I picked out a very nice round pumpkin and cut off the top. "God's Word is alive and working. It is sharper than a sword sharpened on both sides. It cuts all the way into us..And God's Word judges the thoughts and feelings in our hearts." Hebrews 4:12
Inside is all slimy and messy; just like our sins.

"He has taken our sins away from us." Psalm 103:12
"God once said, 'Let the light shine out of the darkness!' And this is the same God who made His light shine in our hearts." 2 Corinthians 4:6

The girls had to sing "This little light of mine, I'm going to let it shine!" They LOVE singing!
"If anyone belongs to Christ, then He is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new!"" 2 Corinthians 5:17

I read "The Pumpkin Gospel" to the girls in a completely dark room (the bathroom). The cool thing about this book is that it glows in the dark, words and all!

We made a wonderful fall treat - Melt vanilla almond bark (and I also added white chocolate). Add and mix in M&M's, pretzels, popcorn, nuts, candy corn. YUM!
We did our Japanese lesson and learned the word for pumpkin and also how to say "Give me candy please!" The girls are now ready for trick or treating at Nana's!

1 comment:

  1. I Found you through other blogs, blog hopping of course! I long for a Nana for my kids like you are a Nana to your precious children. My mother is a non believer, my dad is an alcoholic, my MIL and FIL are divorced and choose to spend their time finding other "mates" than with their four precious grand babies. We also live 6.5 hours away, which in this situation is not a bad thing. I am certainly not Jealous of your children, but I hope they know how special it is to have a Nana for their kids! I have prayed for my parents and in laws to have a change of heart and choose to be saved... Sorry, I just had to comment, your children and grandchildren are so blessed to have you.
