Friday, December 16, 2011

Hannah's Photography

When Hannah came over yesterday, I asked her what she would like to do.

"Let's go for a walk."
So we bundled up as it was pretty chilly in the late afternoon.

"Aren't you going to bring your camera?"
"Would you like me to?"

"Yes! I've been learning about how to take photos."
"You have?!"

"Yes. I have been watching "Create" (a PBS channel show). They have filmed tornadoes, deer, flowers..."

So I took my camera and helped her shoot pictures.

She thought the reflection on the lake was pretty cool.

The geese had swum (is that a word?) to the other side of the lake. Hannah thought it would be fun to take a picture of them in flight so we began to shout at them. You can see one irritated goose.

And they all took off. (I got that photo)

She wanted a photo of the pine cones so I showed her how to hold down the shutter half way to get it to auto focus.

She was doing a great job in taking photos!

I don't think there was much danger that we would swim that day. Brrrrr!

My sweet little photographer!

She took another picture with reflections in the water.

I got this one of the geese flying north. I said, "I don't know that they are going to fly south this year." (I have heard they haven't been doing that as there is plenty of food around here)

"Maybe they are flying to the North Pole."

I'm so proud of Hannah for wanting to learn how to take pictures. I do mine in auto. I would love to learn manual but it seems too daunting to me. I don't understand numbers at all. My mind doesn't work math. Maybe I can take a class someday.

My grandfather was into photography. He even developed his own pictures in the cellar. Here is a photo of my mother as a baby.

My Dad took lots of photos when we were in Japan. I wonder how many. I'm guessing over 1,000. Maybe over 2,000! They used to have to show slides to churches when we would come to the States on furlough to show them the work they were doing.

My brother also enjoys photography and my son does it as a hobby too. It is only natural that Hannah would enjoy it too!


  1. i absolutely love that picture of Hannah on her tummy, it needs to be framed!

  2. There's a 4th Tues night photography club at the public library. There are several local topnotch photographers with lots to teach. You can find them on facebook or sign up for notices of meetings. I'm crazy about wanting to go there, but it seems as if that's one of the days I get to visit the grands, which always ends up getting too late to go to meeting.
