Saturday, December 10, 2011

Kansas Adventure, December, Part 2

Leaving Ellinwood, we went back east about 8 miles. As we were going to Ellinwood, we had seen a sign for the Santa Fe Trail ruts and wanted to see that.

With about 1000 wagon trains traveling this area each day, the ground left its mark. Most of the trail has been tilled by farmers, but occasionally in Kansas, you will come across areas where you can still see evidences of the wagon trains.

We went to Holyrood! Just because it sounded interesting.

A small town of about 450 or so.
We got on an un-named road that took us in to Wilson from the south. There were lots of old pioneer homes along the way.
Two story home!

Post rock country. Miles of stone fence posts put up by the early settlers. When there aren't trees, you use the native limestone.
Imagine homesteading on this farm.
The town of Wilson just south of Highway 70.
Post Rock Scenic Byway is north of Wilson and is a beautiful drive for about 16 miles.

Beautiful Wilson Lake
Lots of luxurious homes are dotted around the lake. Some of the lots are selling for $140,000! I should have taken a picture of the homes.

Wilson Lake has the clearest water in Kansas. The salt content is higher than most inland lakes.

It was a very cold day!

We continued on the scenic byway, going north toward Lucas and Sylvan Grove. There was a little construction. The worker told us that this was not his dog; just some farm dog who comes every day to say hello.
Entering Lucas. A very unique, artsy town. Some world famous artists live here. In the sticks. A very quiet place to live.
World's largest souvenir plate. 15' across.
The Garden of Eden - known the world over. Samuel Dinsmoor, a retired schoolteacher and Civil War veteran began building this cabin and the Garden of Eden in 1907 at the age of 64. For 22 years he fashioned this unique cabin.
This mausoleum if where he is laid to rest in a glass-topped concrete coffin.
See the kitty? He's real. We watched him climb up the cement structure.
Our next stop was going to be Sylvan Grove and then up north to a twin arched bridge and then to the geodetic center of the United States. But....

We were so very lucky. The car began to sputter and would not pick up speed. We had just left Lucas so Al turned around and we pulled into this convenience store that just happened to have a mechanic (the owner). We could have been stranded miles in the boonies. But here we were with a place to sit while our truck was worked on.

Very interesting to watch people come and go. Everyone knew everybody. "Hi Connie! Is Mike here?" "Are you going to the game tonight?" "Haven't seen you around lately. Have you been gone?"

Unfortunately, our truck could not be fixed. But the owner was willing to load us up and drive us back to Newton, 2 1/2 hours away! And so, this ends our 2011 monthly Kansas Adventures. But we will have to do more adventuring because Kansas has more to offer!!

The End

(for now)


  1. wow! how nice of him to drive you back!!! where are you touring next year? :)

  2. Imagine that-5 hours to get you back home! Holyrood is where my sister and her hubby lived for awhile, teaching. I remember going there once.
