Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Six Flags over Georgia with Min

Before we went to Alabama, Mindy had asked if we would want to go to Six Flags over Georgia, located a couple of hours away from Birmingham on the outskirts of Atlanta. We thought that would be fun.

We conquered Goliath!

We spent 6 hours riding all the roller coasters we could! Can you imagine us? grandparents? old foggies? riding the coasters????? The majority of people on the rides were junior highers. But what a fun time for these old geezers! Any time with our daughter whom we don't see nearly as often as we like is time well spent - even screaming at the top of my lungs riding 90 miles at hour in circles and in every which direction!

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