Friday, April 6, 2012


Last Sunday, Palm Sunday, was our son-in-law's last Sunday as worship pastor of our church.

Our church is birthing a new church in Hillsboro, Kansas. Many from our church are going to help start this new church.

Adam is going to be the new pastor!

I will sorely miss seeing my grandbabies popping their head in the nursery to tell me "hi, Nana!". And my new grandbaby won't be in our care Sunday morning either. Adam's mother was Hannah's 1st grade Sunday School teacher and his dad was a helper with Sophia. They will be missing them too. But right now, they aren't moving and we do see them during the week.

We are so excited for this new journey God has brought their way. Praying for them as they follow His lead and praying for those who do not know Christ in Hillsboro and in the surrounding areas! Blessings!!

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