Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Stepping down

We started attending Grace about 20 years ago.  That first year, we mostly got fed and nourished by the Word.  But then we began to get involved.  For me it was teaching 3-year-olds.  I can still remember teaching the older Lakey kids!  What fun they were!!!  True story - I once asked the children what was grey and had a bushy tail.  They all chimed in, "Jesus!"  I've heard that as a joke, but it really did happen in my class!

After several years, the Sunday School Superintendant decided she needed to retire.  Both she and Steve wanted me to do it.  I didn't want to.  I was a teacher.  That was my passion. 

But after much prayer (and dragging my feet) I knew that God wanted to stretch me and I said "yes".  The first year, I can still remember our teacher appreciation dinner.  10 teachers - and we gave each of them a gift card to Faith & Life.  Now, there is no way we could budget that.  There are 60 workers in the nursery alone! 

We built a new building in '05.  We didn't have enough classroom space in the original building!  I was privileged to be on the building committee.  How excited we were to move into the new facility!!  After we moved in, I continued the job but it got so big I told them it was time to hire a Children's Director.  So Kris  came on board (and later, Becca).  And I became the Nursery Director.  We got pagers, clip on name tags and security tags; we had lanyards for the teachers and began background checks.

That was 7 years ago.  In the nursery, we started out with using 3 rooms (with a 4th added shortly after).  Now we use 6 nursery rooms and have had to push the 3-year-olds into another hall. 

I have LOVED this job!!  Oh, there were parts that were terribly stressful and I won't miss those.  But overall, it has been just the place for me!!  But due to health issues and taking care of family needs I knew it was time to pass this job on to someone else.

As I packed up my files, I just cried.  I knew it was time, but I I would often find myself questioning "Why am I quitting?!"  I am so happy to have Lori taking over my position!!  I will stay on as an assistant to help her, but she will help the nursery go to higher level.  These young people have such good ideas and are so computer savey!

Thank you, Grace, and in particular Steve and Aunt Leonore (she was a former missionary to Japan and we call all the missionaries "aunt" and "uncle") for trusting in me to do this job!  God has given me the strength and ability.  Without Him, I could not have done it!  He went before me all these years, guiding me and providing each week!  And what a wonderful team of volunteers I have had to work with each week!!!  I can't begin to name them all.  But truly, SOOO great!!  And of course, best of all - showing the love of Christ to each of the little children in our care and teaching them about Him.  Praying for them, that they would grow up to follow Him with all their hearts!!

"We will tell the next generation
  the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
His power,
and the wonders He has done."
Psalm 78:4


  1. I know it is a bittersweet change for you, but you have done such a wonderful job in the nursery!!!! Marc & I, as parents, have always felt such ease and peace with Luke in the nursery over the last almost 4 years. Thank you for all you have done, currently do, and will do with children. Lori will be awesome!!!!! But, she's been left a wonderful nursery program to lead.

  2. Wow! Such a big change for you! I'm sure you will be missed! (Although I'm sure Lori will do a great job!) She has some big shoes to fill! :)

  3. It's been seven years already!? How time flies. Well, I'm not surprised...you're expecting you're third grandchild. Before you know it that will almost make being a Nana a full-time job.

    I'm glad your dad is doing better--praying for all of you.

  4. You made us feel so welcome and we were in awe of the love you showed all of those little ones. Thank you for your service! You are wonderful!

  5. Aww you are so GREAT at what you do!! I loved seeing your smiles and care for my Landrey when we came to Grace. BIG hugs to you, but most of all I am so glad for the legacy you are leaving and that you still get to add your special Debby touch too!

  6. Brad fondly remembers teaching 4s & 5s SS with you years ago. He was amazed how you had a song for everything.

  7. Lori will do a GREAT job and THANK YOU for all you have done with our kids Debby! my girls treasure you!!!

  8. what sweet memories! i am so thankful that you have had the opportunity to speak truth into 5 of my 6 peeps when they were little! even if austin thought jesus was a squirrel! lol!

    i still remember sitting on the nursery building committee... i was POSITIVE that we were building TOO many rooms for the nursery :-) and, i was kinda sad that i was done having kids and would never be able to use the new nursery! silly me!!!

    thank you!!!

  9. Debby!

    You've left quite a legacy at Grace and I'm certain many families are truly grateful for your service. God's timing isn't always ours, but it's perfect, so now it's time to focus on your health and to continue meeting the growing needs of your family. You have certainly stored up many treasures in heaven. May He grant you renewed strength and energy!
