Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unexpected Mother's Day

We had been asleep less than an hour when the phone rang.  Don't you just hate phone calls in the middle of the night? 

It was my mother.  Dad appeared to be having another stroke.  The ambulance was on its way.  She called back a little later to say that they would be taking him to Wichita.

We got in the car and almost beat the ambulance there.  They passed us up just by the hospital so we were able to go into ER with Mom.

They ran tests; gave him a clot buster.  He was paralyzed on one side and failed the swallow test.  After a couple of hours, he was stablized so mom insisted we come home to get some sleep.  She spent the night.

I called mom in the morning.  Dad was still paralyzed on his right side.  I drove to the hospital.  The neurologist had left and shortly afterwards, my Dad started moving his arm and leg on the right side!  What a great Mother's Day present for me!!!  So happy!!

They took Dad for an MRI and so I took my mom across the street to Panera for some breakfast.  Dad got back to the room shortly after we did.  My brother arrived from KC.  His mother-in-law is also in the hospital in KC so what a Mother's Day for him and his wife!  I know it was special for my mother to have Dave come.  And he brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
 Mom and Dad's pastor came and spent some time encouraging and praying for Dad.  We decided to let Dad sleep and we went back home for a Mother's Day celebration.  Al and Adam were preparing the meal (although Jill helped and told them what needed to be done.  Thanks Jill!!  Thanks guys!!!!)
We opened gifts.
 This picture is for you, Adam!
 Even the girls got gifts!  (future moms, hopefully!)
And my sweet husband got me tickets to this broadway show!!!

Yes, an unexpected Mother's Day for sure, but one that we are grateful to Him for.  God is good all the time, no matter the circumstances; no matter the outcome.  We are in His hands!  And we can trust in His care.


  1. So glad your dad is doing okay, Debbie! We got Lion King tickets, too!

  2. I've added your dad to my daily prayer list. Glad he is stable, it's so scary. Glad you had a lovely mother's day with your family. ♥

  3. Prayers for your Dad and Mom and all of you.
