Thursday, May 24, 2012


Yesterday morning I decided to walk to the hospital to see Dad and have lunch with him.  I debated about it.  Since my illness, often exercize seems to make me feel worse, but I know it is good for me and I need it.  I decided to take it slow.

Does it seem later than usual for the geese to be laying eggs?  We had just been talking about the fact that we hadn't seen any baby geese about this year.  We always have little babies walking about the area.  They really are so cute!  (of course, the millions of geese that decided to winter here was absurd and hopefully that won't happen next year!!) 

 Look at this weed!  Like a GIANT dandelion!!
 It was a terribly windy day - good for the wheat.  Harvest is around the corner!

 My husband was here at the fire station, along with other hospital personnel.  They are doing disaster training - in case of a tornado or bombing.  They are learning what not to do and what to do; lessons learned from Joplin.
Notice the flags?  There were some firemen out there so I asked about it.  I guess the governor ordered them flown at half staff in honor of  Rep. Bob Bethell who was killed in an accident.

 My friend's husband's office.  (Check out her link - she has a new book out!)
 I wish I had my zoom lens.  The male is flaunting his stuff at the female.  Shortly after, another male came by and chased him away.

I think it is funny that the sidewalk needs a "curve" sign.  Isn't it rather obvious?

 The neighborhood we lived
at for 12 years.  I loved it there,
but love our new home too.
 This house belonged to our friend's kids who are now in Ethiopia.

 I finally made it to the hospital.  It took close to half an hour.  I walked s-l-o-w-l-y. 
We had a wonderful lunch together and then went back to his room.  We talked and also wept together.  This is hard.  We listened to some worship CD's together.  God is good.  He is ever present!

         He will call upon me, and I will 
           be with him in trouble,
                  I will deliver him and honor him.
      With long life will I satisfy him
              and show him my salvation.

       It is good to praise the Lord
     and make music to Your Name,
             O Most High,
             to proclaim Your love in the morning
                    and Your faithfulness at night....

                I sing for joy at the works of Your hands.
                  How great are Your works, O Lord...

              The righteous will flourish like a palm tree....
            They will still bear fruit in old age,
                  they will stay fresh and green.

                                    Psalm 91,92

Daddy is 89 and God has truly blessed him.  Such a man of God.

He told me that he and mom have a thing they do each night.  They always kiss and tell eachother that they love eachother.  Then he cried as he said he didn't get to do that last night.  But yesterday evening, as we left, he and mom kissed and again said "I love you, dear" to one another.  So sweet!


  1. Good for you for walking in the heat and WIND that consumed yesterday....glad to hear your dad's doing ok....

  2. May God continue to bless him and recover quickly.

  3. I am more then happy that he is still here, but I wish he could be home with grandma. This has got to be so hard for both of them right now, and my heart is crying, and wishing all my love his way....
