Wednesday, June 13, 2012


It was such a pleasant morning so we did lots of work - yard work and also cleaning house.  After lunch I was bushed!  I enjoy taking a short rest time each day if possible.  Maybe a power nap even.  Today, it was so nice, I rested out on my deck with a book and my camera.
There was a symphony of music all around me - so many birds singing!
Meadowlarks, robins, red-wing black birds, grackles, finches, the woodpecker, the purple martins, and sparrows.  Sooo beautiful!

 I had to laugh at this one!!  Doesn't it look like mommy is just chewing out her little one?
 I was soooo excited to see the oriole is back!  He quit coming for about a week and I was giving up.  The bird guy at the store told me to keep putting the food out and here he showed up again!!
 The red-bellied woodpecker enjoys it too!
 I have not been having much luck with the hummingbirds.  Darn!  Last year and this year, I would have them come and hover about the feeder and fly off.  I changed feeders (the other one was soo pretty; an antique glass kind) and keep changing the food too every 3-4 days.  Have tried various recipes (purchased kind, recipes on-line of water/sugar).  And even have planted certain flowers that are supposed to attract the hummingbirds.  So far, the only thing that is coming are those ants!  You can see them on the photo. 
 Another problem I have had is with the grackles.  They swarm around the feeder.  I'm not very fond of grackles.  Hannah thinks they are so pretty.  Their heads have a blue sheen and she just loves that.  When I complained once about them, Sophia said, "But Nana, God made ALL the birdies!"

But they are not very nice to other birds.
 The bird guy said I really need a feeder without the bottom.  But it was $75!  So we improvised and put plastic around the bottom hole so seed couldn't seep out onto the tray.  Some still does and last I saw, there were 4 grackles perched on my feeder.  Darn.

* * * * * *

Outside our kitchen window we had 3 baby barn swallows.
One morning this past week, I noticed that 2 of them had flown out of their nest.  Only 1 was left.


 The other 2 and either mom or dad were sitting on the porch rocking bench.  The one on the left is looking up at its sibling in the nest.  Come on down!

For a while, the siblings and parents were all flying around the nest, chirping at the one in the nest.  Fly with us!  It is soooo fun!  But the one in the nest just dug himself further in the nest.  It was not interested in flying.

Here are the parents trying to prod the baby out.

And finally, it decided it might be just the thing to do.  It took most of the day.

 Looking out my kitchen window onto the porch.  All 3 of the barn swallows.

An interesting thing about them - unlike robins who leave the nest for good, the barn swallows have continued to return to the nest at night.

It made me think about people.  When one decides to follow Jesus, it is like the birds who have learned to fly.  There is just a joy in this new life!  (like the little birds flying with such joy!)  But some are content where they are and are not at all interested in learning what it means to love Him and what being a Christian is about.  (like both the robin and swallow babies I watched who were just so reluctant to leave the nest)

Some, like robins, give their lives to Christ, and they continue on with Him.  They love the freedom!  But like barn swallows, some Christians love that "old nest", the old way of life.  So, sometimes they will soar with Him, and at other times go back to that place where they feel comfortable. 

You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.  Deut. 6:5

* * * * * *

(from my friend Mary Ellen)


  1. I really like your analogy. I just love birds, and watching them.

  2. Lovely post!!! I quit filling my feeders due to the grackles, but I'm about ready to start again. Have missed the finches and sparrows. We still hear a lot of birdsong. Even have had doves hiding in our geraniums. About scared the liver out of Rich when he watered the pot and the birds flew out! HAHAHA! He gave me a "hummer" feeder for Mother's Day, which I have yet to fill. Hummmm wonder kind of luck I'll have.
