Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am so very joyful and honored!  My church gave me this beautiful bouquet and thanked me for the years I have worked in the nursery.  I am so excited to see Lori take my the job and I am going to love still being able to love on the children at Grace, just in a different capacity.  There is a verse in Psalm 8:2 that I just LOVE!

"From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise!"

There is nothing more sweet to my ears than to hear little children sing songs to Jesus!  LOVE it!!

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Other things that bring me joy today - my husband (and his silly side-kick)
Al got himself a bike recently, along with a bike helmet.  But he told me he forgot it this day.  His hair was crazy silly after his 13 mile ride.

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Some barn swallows built a nest by my kitchen window.  The past years we have always had to battle them putting nests above our front door or the back porch door.  We are happy to have them here out of the path where guests walk. 

I think they will be flying out of the coop soon!
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Other random pictures that make me happy.

You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
                            Psalm 16:11

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