Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Puppy store

Several years ago, Chisholm Trail Country Store was built just down the road by the outlet mall.  They sell farm products.  When they were building, we debated whether it would be a restaurant or clothing store.  I purchase my bird food there.  Our grandchildren have lovingly dubbed this store the
"puppy store"!

On the day Jill and Adam went to the hospital to have Baby Claire, we decided a good way to pass the time would be to take a trip to the "puppy store".
 They sell puppies there and also baby chicks.  And this day they had baby turkeys.

The children LOVE to hold the puppies!  For those of you who know me, well, I am a tad bit "shy" of puppies and dogs.  Got bit a couple times as a kid and I just can't hold the wiggly things.  I like to look at them.  They ARE cute.  But, nope, I won't hold them.  Silly, I know.  So the girls are happy when Papa, Daddy or Uncle Josh go along to help them take the puppies out of the cages so they can hold them.  I just can't do it.  Don't want to get nipped, you know.

 Sometimes the puppies like to nibble on shoes.  And I know if I held them, they would nibble on me!


The store sells lots of toys too.  Hannah would LOVE to have a stable and all these horses to go in them! 

After about an hour or so, we went home to do some more playing - and waited forever (it seemed) to wait for the arrival of the new baby!!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE it! I think the puppy store is perfect. The kids get their "fix" and you don't have someone else to feed and clean up after! Best of all worlds! :)
