Saturday, July 28, 2012


I received an e-mail from my daughter-in-law and I want to share!  She and a friend piled in the van with their children and took the kids on a day of random acts of kindness. It was a fun, very packed day!

First they put a sonic gift card with a note on the mailbox,
                                 cards to a nursing home,
                               cookies to the librarians and their children's ministry workers at church,
food to a local food pantry,
                                     and took their daddies to lunch and left a treat for the waiter.

They took cookies to the firemen.

The fireman even gave them a tour, dressed up for them, let Dylan squirt the powerful hose, and the kids got to see where they slept and the pole they slide down!!  

Then they stopped at a park and gave out silly bands to all the kids that were there. She said it was fun to see people's surprised faces when they told them we were giving them something instead of asking for something.

She said they may make this a yearly tradition!

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