Thursday, August 2, 2012

Arkansas trip, part 2

3 John 4 says "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."  It is such a joy for us to know that our children love the Lord and are passing that on to their children.  One thing they are doing is teaching the children to pray for others.
Each evening at supper the children pick a stick and pray for that person.  Very precious to hear them pray for their cousins or for a missionary friend in India.

The children are learning how to be kind and to share with eachother.

Josh usually has a "to-do" list for Al to help him with.

Emeri practices her piano lesson (Josh and Staci are teaching her).

Al is a kid at heart.    ;)

Molly got a bath.

See?  Al is just such a kid.

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