Friday, August 24, 2012

Busy week

On Monday evening, along with several couples, we were invited to Darrell and Cynda's house to have a surprise dinner with our good friends, Randy and Nedra.

Here is a picture of me, Cynda and Nedra this week

and one from a L-O-N-G time ago.  We share June birthdays and our guys had a party for us.

Randy and Nedra moved to Little Rock, Arkansas to go on staff with Family Life.  A wonderful ministry devoted to helping marriages and helping couples live for Christ.  Be sure to check out their site!  They shared with us what they are doing and what Christ is doing in their lives.   Lots of tears.  God has been so faithful and we are just excited for what He has done in and through them!

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Meanwhile, ministry here continues.  Although I have stepped down from director of the nursery, I'm still helping Lori.  The 2 weeks prior to starting the new "year" is incredibly, crazy busy!  These ladies are up till midnight, and often have restless sleep.  It is stressful.  There is much to be accomplished.  Sorting curriculum, putting up new bulletin boards, figuiring out what classes all the children should go to, letters to parents.  And of course, recruiting.  Finding workers who are excited about teaching the little children about Jesus.  Lori and Juli and been on the phone for hours.  There are still holes. 
But we know He will provide.  He promises to meet all our needs.

Here are her children and Sophia dancing around the room to praise music while Lori and I worked.

"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done."  Psalm 78:4  I know I have quoted this verse before, but it is such a good one.  We have to pass on our love for Jesus.  The world speaks loudly to our children, and a lot of it is lies and deception.  Teaching children about Him is one of the highest callings I can think of!

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