Friday, September 7, 2012

Visiting Grandpa Pete

Grandpa Pete was not able to come to our home for Sophia's birthday party, so we took Emeri and Eli to visit him.

We wheeled him to Aunt Millie's (my Dad's sister) room too.  Of course we had to stop to admire the beautiful birds.

 Aunt Millie enjoyed the visit with her great-nephew and great-niece.

On the way back to Grandpa Pete's room, we stopped to talk with Chip.
 Eli has a Chip on his shoulder!

 Emeri was not too sure about having a try at holding Chip.

Going back to Grandpa Pete's room

After our good-byes, we walked across the street to Grandma Lois' duplex to play for awhile.
The talk is that perhaps in the next couple of weeks, my Dad will be able to move back home with mom!

* * * * *

One of the children's favorite games is "tie up Papa"!  They whisper secretly about capturing him!

Sophie wasn't too happy when she ended up caught up in the rope along with Papa!  We had to unrope her and then with big smiles and much laughter, they finished tying him all up!  Then Papa does his fancy escape and the kids go wild!

What a fun few days we had with Emeri and Eli!

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