Sunday, October 7, 2012

Carnival and Barn Sale

I'm taking a break from telling about our Utah vacation to tell about the "happenings" back home. 

The girls' school had a carnival so Adam and I took them. 


 Chili, hotdog, carrots & celery, and pie on the menu.


 There was an auction - the KU and K-State baskets brought quite a bit of funds for the school!
 And I won some books for the girls at the silent auction.

* * * * * * * * *

Then, this afternoon, Jill, the girls and I went to the Barn Sale in Hesston!
 It was chilly and spritzing a little too.  Fall is here!!

The girls took these pictures while I was purchasing a book I found - a book my teacher read to me in the 1st gradeback in 1961!  It brought back such wonderful memories to find that book!

 A hot chocolate (with marshmallows AND whipped cream) face!
 The girls were so happy to have come to the sale!  Don't you just love the hair bows they picked out?

 And a stop at Lincoln Perk before going home.

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