Thursday, November 1, 2012

Thankful hearts

From the rising of the sun to it's going down,
                               the Lord's name is to be praised. Psalm 113:3

During the month of November,I plan to be intentional about thanking God each day for His many blessings.  A grateful heart - that's what I want.  Even when times are hard because He promises His presence and comfort.

Just a few random things that I am thankful for today:

Grateful for this newest one and that we have medicines to treat pneumonia and croup!!  And that she is doing better!  (you can faintly see a rainbow in the background) 

My 5 little "punkins" - Hannah, Sophia, Emeri, Eli and Claire.

 I love birds - and here are 6 doves roosting on my back deck!  I hear them coo even as I type.

Thank You, Father for my husband - such a good grandpa to his grandchildren!
Our leaf pile not so big just yet.  It will be a few more years until the pile is huge and we will be sick of so many leaves in our yard. 

When that happens, I wonder if our teenage grandchildren will be willing to help?  I will be most grateful for that!I love to take walks with the children.  This picture taken by Hannah

                            and this one by Sophia. 
Thankful for this family in Arkansas, 

               and sweet Mindy who is a very fun aunt!

Grateful for my fountain - and for a husband who hates it but lets me keep it!  He likes the looks of it but it seems to need lots of care and he does NOT like that!  We took this photo when there was a freeze.  Look at the ice! 

And I am especially grateful this day for His presence in my life, in particular, during this time as I grieve.  I am amazed at how He is working everything out as I have been planning Aunt Millie's memorial service.  Truly, it is only God going before me each step.  I am excited to celebrate her life and give Him the glory for all He has done in and through her.  And for His comfort.

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."
 1 Thess. 5:18

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful, heartfelt post. Been thinking of you and praying as you get used to life without your Aunt Millie...
