Monday, November 5, 2012

Mi casa, su casa

hospitable - 1a: given to generous and cordial reception of guests  b: promising or suggesting generous and cordial welcome  c: offering a pleasant or sustaining environment  (the word hospital comes from the same root word)

This past weekend I had such wonderful company!!  Christina's family from Texas came again!  We love to have guests come and stay.  It saves them hotel costs and I want my home to be a place they can relax and enjoy themselves and have a good night's rest. 

Christina's family knew we were going through a trying weekend with Aunt Millie's funeral and they took time to comfort and to pray with me.  I just LOVE these women!!

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Many, many years ago, as a young mom, I remember reading a book called "Open Heart, Open Home" by Karen Maines.  Here is a quote from that book:

“We think in terms of entertaining as a woman's chance to demonstrate her skill and the quality of her home, when actually entertaining has little to do with real hospitality. Entertaining says, "I want to impress you with my beautiful home, my clever decorating, my gourmet cooking." Hospitality, however, seeks to minister. It says, "This home is not mine. It is truly a gift from my Master. I am His servant, and I use it as He desires." Hospitality does not try to impress, but to serve.

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My mom was the hostess with the mostest and I think I learned about hospitality from her first.  We had company at our home a lot in Japan.  Mom would dig out her china and we learned manners from her.  What fork was for what, etc.  Below, we are eating a Japanese meal though.  They love to serve sukiyaki!

Sometimes missionaries from other countries would be passing through on their way back to the States or to Canada.  Often times it was people from America touring Japan.

Sometimes it would be a world traveler coming through our town.  We spotted foreigners (gaijin) a mile away!  In our part of Japan, we gaijin were an oddity.  Mom would make sure to invite them over for dinner and the night. This was Fritz, from Germany.  He told us tales of his travels through India and around the world. 

 A couple of times mom invited the whole school over for the weekend.  We had a church bus for awhile and we were able to all go to the Cactus Gardens on the Nichinan Coast.

When we came to the States, my parents became host parents for a college student from Ethiopia who was attending Bethel College.  Mom still has this huge ostrich egg that she gave us.  We learned that Ethiopian food is VERY spicy!!
And Grace Community folk, do you recognize this couple with their children?  They visited us in Japan and then also when we moved to Pretty Prairie.  Hint:  they go to China every summer to teach English.
Isn't this a fun 1970's picture of Jim and Shirley??

1 Peter 4:8-10
Most importantly, love each other deeply, because love will cause people to forgive each other for many sins. Open your homes to each other, without complaining. Each of you has received a gift to use to serve others. Be good servants of God's various gifts of grace.  

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