Saturday, May 19, 2012

Mindy's home!

 My Dad was not doing so well and was placed back in the medical unit.  Mindy had an opportunity to come from Alabama and took it!  We were all so excited to have her home!

We went to the new Braum's....
 ...and had 4 ice-cream cones to celebrate 4 more weeks until the new baby sister arrives!  (Last week, when it was 5 weeks, the family gave eachother high fives!)

 Going up north of town to get my Aunt Millie to take her to see my Dad, I passed this thing!
 Why is a pirate ship under the via duct?  Anyone know the story behind this??!!
Dad is doing much better and was moved back to the rehab unit.  Dad's hair was getting a little long and Mindy volunteered to cut it.

 My Dad and his granddaughters.  I know his other granddaughter, Nichole would love to be here too!!
After a visit with Dad, the girls spent time with their Aunt Mindy.  They just LOVE her!!  They made necklaces for eachother.

 Hannah's necklace said "Utecht's rock.  Grabers do too."

In the meantime, my Arkansas grandson ended up in surgery!!  He was running around the house and fell and split open his lip and inside his mouth.  They had to put him under to stitch it up.   They had scare in recovery where he stopped breathing due to the tube in his throat and secretions and they had to suction him. It was pretty scary for his parents to see 10 nurses and doctors run into the room with equipment using the words "crash cart" and not come out for a few minutes. Those could've been the longest 2 minutes they ever had. Staci says she was about ready to break down that door!  But he is fine!  Praise God! 

He had a fabulous night! He only woke up once at 3 and Staci gave him more medicine. He didn't even cry but turned on his new singing sheep (a music box that plays Jesus loves me that is super soft that Staci's mom gave him yesterday). They woke up to Jesus love me over the monitor :). Staci checked on him , gave him meds and a hug and told him that he could wind it just that once but not anymore until daylight.  She told him to just cuddle it and lay down and he said, "okay momma". Such a sweet boy!

We are ready for good health in this family!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day with the girls

While my Dad is in stroke therapy at the hospital, we were encouraged to visit him at the end of the day; during the day he would be busy.  Since Jill is not feeling well these days we said we would like to take the girls for the day. 

In the morning we puttered about the house.  We had our lunch out on the deck.  It was such a beautiful day.  Ice-cream for dessert!

A silly ice-cream cone!

After lunch, we went for a bike ride to the "mountains".

 Let's go try the next mountain, Papa!

 Let's go to the swings, Papa!
 The wheat field on the way is so very golden!  Usually it does not look like this until June!

 I forgot my camera, but we took a couple balloons to Grandpa Pete in the hospital.  He was so happy to see his sweet little great grandchildren!  The girls said "We brightened his day!"

 "How Firm a Foundation"

Fear not; I am with thee.  O be not dismayed.
         For I am thy God, I will still give thee aid.
I'll strengthen thee, help thee, and cause thee to stand,
         Upheld by My righteous, Omnipotent hand.

The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose,
    I will not, I will not desert to its foes;
That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake,
             I'll never, no never, no never forsake.

Be strong, Dad!!  Trust in His care!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

We moved Dad

Well, we have made some progress!  This afternoon we were able to bring Dad back "home".  His new home will be NMC where Al works!  For a while anyway.  
 They have a therapy room where he will re-learn how to walk, do steps, grocery shop, get in a car, etc.  So impressed with the care he will be getting.  And he knows some of the workers.  It will be so nice for him to see familiar faces.
Thanking the Lord today for how well he is doing and for all who have prayed for him!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Unexpected Mother's Day

We had been asleep less than an hour when the phone rang.  Don't you just hate phone calls in the middle of the night? 

It was my mother.  Dad appeared to be having another stroke.  The ambulance was on its way.  She called back a little later to say that they would be taking him to Wichita.

We got in the car and almost beat the ambulance there.  They passed us up just by the hospital so we were able to go into ER with Mom.

They ran tests; gave him a clot buster.  He was paralyzed on one side and failed the swallow test.  After a couple of hours, he was stablized so mom insisted we come home to get some sleep.  She spent the night.

I called mom in the morning.  Dad was still paralyzed on his right side.  I drove to the hospital.  The neurologist had left and shortly afterwards, my Dad started moving his arm and leg on the right side!  What a great Mother's Day present for me!!!  So happy!!

They took Dad for an MRI and so I took my mom across the street to Panera for some breakfast.  Dad got back to the room shortly after we did.  My brother arrived from KC.  His mother-in-law is also in the hospital in KC so what a Mother's Day for him and his wife!  I know it was special for my mother to have Dave come.  And he brought a beautiful bouquet of flowers!
 Mom and Dad's pastor came and spent some time encouraging and praying for Dad.  We decided to let Dad sleep and we went back home for a Mother's Day celebration.  Al and Adam were preparing the meal (although Jill helped and told them what needed to be done.  Thanks Jill!!  Thanks guys!!!!)
We opened gifts.
 This picture is for you, Adam!
 Even the girls got gifts!  (future moms, hopefully!)
And my sweet husband got me tickets to this broadway show!!!

Yes, an unexpected Mother's Day for sure, but one that we are grateful to Him for.  God is good all the time, no matter the circumstances; no matter the outcome.  We are in His hands!  And we can trust in His care.