Saturday, June 9, 2012

Busy week!

What a busy week we have had!  Every morning I helped with VBS.  Close to 200 kids came each morning.  They began in the activity center.  They would watch a movie about some kids looking for hidden treasure.

Here they are singing the songs.  They were such fun Scripture songs!
I have worked in the nursery with the teacher's children for the past umpteen years, but this year, Jill asked if I could be with Sophia's class.  Their other grandma was going to be in Hannah's and with Jill so close to her due date, she knew she would not be able to help.  So, I helped with the pre-K class and it was fun.  

We walked to various stations, like missions
and music

 games and snacks


On Thursday night we had a program and all the parents and grandparents were invited.

A remarkable week, learning to seek the Treasure that matters.  29 kids found that Treasure and put their faith in Christ!

Each afternoon, I went to see Dad.  He learned to pick up objects with his right hand this week!

 And is walking more with less assistance.

The Japan conference was in Hesston and although Dad was not able to go, several of the former missionaries came to see him!!  What a wonderful time!  The lady in the pink and her husband with the hat on were my dorm parents when I was in the 5th and 6th grades.

From the time I was 6, we would get on the train every Monday afternoon and ride for 3 hours; by the seacoast and over the mountains, to Miyakonojo.

Here are the parents and some other missionaries who must have come to a program.  The school is in the background and the dormitory at the right.  Uncle Fritz (the guy who was wearing the hat in the picture above) is in the back row - the tallest guy.  Aunt Ellen is the almost in the middle peaking out behind 2 women.

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A very early surprise arrived at the hospital this week!  It was handy for us to just be able to walk down the hallway to greet Kate.  She is just adorable!!

Congratulations Marc and Sarah and Luke!!!!!

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Meanwhile, harvest is going full speed here in Kansas.  Some of the farmers are done.  It has been a great year for them.  This is in the field by our house.

Al used to do custom combining when he was in highschool and college before we got married.  When our kids were little, we used to go to Pretty Prairie every year to cut wheat at the family farm.  But now, our brother has it done for him since he works in town.  We sure do miss it.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Visitors for Dad

Let the beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
for he shields him all day long,
and the one the Lord loves rests between his shoulders.
There is no one like the God of Jeshurun,
who rides across the heavens to help you
and on the clouds in his majesty.
The eternal God is your refuge,
and underneath are the everlasting arms.
From Deut. 33
This is the passage that the folks' friend, Willy read from what he called "The fifth book of Moses" (that's what they call it in German).  Willy is a 1st generation immigrant.  He was imprisoned by the Russians in Poland during WWII for 4 years.  After the war he was in a refugee camp.  He still has the food bowl he used in that camp and one of the workers from that camp lives here at the same retirement cener my folks do!   He immigrated to the US at the age of 13, unable to read and penniless.  He didn't know English, but was given the opportunity to go to school and he became a teacher and then a principal in western Kansas.  An amazing story of his reliance on the Lord!  He is taking his son back to Poland for a visit in a couple of weeks.

Some other visitors were Uncle Bob and Aunt Alice Ruth from Bluffton, OH.  They aren't my real aunt and uncle - I've said before that missionary kids call the other missionaries that.  My parents were Uncle Pete and Aunt Lois to many other MKs in Japan.  The Ramseyers came to Newton for the Japan get-together this weekend in Hesston.  Former Japan missionaries who have now live in Canada and the US are having a wonderful reunion.  Dad and Mom did a lot of the planning and we are so sad that Dad can't even go.  We asked if we could take him for an hour or two, but unfortunately, permission was not granted as Dad is not well enough yet.  He will be missed!  Aunt Vi who lives here also suffered a stroke a couple of weeks ago but was granted permission to attend at least part of the time.

Here is a picture of the Ramseyers back in '59.  They haven't changed much at all!
I know Dad will be so encouraged by the visitors who come to see him!  Thanks to all who are praying for him!  He wants so badly to regain his strength!   
Continue to pray!

With God, all things are possible!" 

Monday, June 4, 2012

Dad Update

 On Sunday after church, we went to visit Dad.  He was so happy to see his great-granddaughters, Hannah and Sophia!

They had a blast "riding" his bed up and down!

The Hyuga church in Japan sent him some of their recent bulletins - one with a picture of Dad taken from a blog I posted.  Also a picture of the church, pictures of Ken and Sachiko's beautiful children, and a card that looks like a tray of sushii.  You lift each sushii and there is a little message under it.

Dad's right leg is swollen; not sure why.  They are trying get it back to normal.  His heart goes in and out of a fib.  He practices walking with the walker and has therapy on his right hand/arm and his speech daily.  We see little improvements each day.  He is so ready to leave the hospital.  It has been 3 weeks in rehab.  He is tired of being cooped up, and I know he tires of the rigorous training he has to do each day.  We would appreciate prayers for him.

I gave him the book "The Promise" by Robert Morgan that he says has been a blessing and comfort.  A book about Romans 8:26-28 - Here it is in The Message: 

Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting, God's Spirit is right alongside helping us along. If we don't know how or what to pray, it doesn't matter. He does our praying in and for us, making prayer out of our wordless sighs, our aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves, knows our pregnant condition, and keeps us present before God. That's why we can be so sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good.

頑張って (がんばって)

Ganbatte: Do your best!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012


I am so very joyful and honored!  My church gave me this beautiful bouquet and thanked me for the years I have worked in the nursery.  I am so excited to see Lori take my the job and I am going to love still being able to love on the children at Grace, just in a different capacity.  There is a verse in Psalm 8:2 that I just LOVE!

"From the lips of children and infants You have ordained praise!"

There is nothing more sweet to my ears than to hear little children sing songs to Jesus!  LOVE it!!

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Other things that bring me joy today - my husband (and his silly side-kick)
Al got himself a bike recently, along with a bike helmet.  But he told me he forgot it this day.  His hair was crazy silly after his 13 mile ride.

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Some barn swallows built a nest by my kitchen window.  The past years we have always had to battle them putting nests above our front door or the back porch door.  We are happy to have them here out of the path where guests walk. 

I think they will be flying out of the coop soon!
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Other random pictures that make me happy.

You will fill me with joy in Your presence,
with eternal pleasures at Your right hand.
                            Psalm 16:11