Saturday, August 25, 2012

August restaurant pick

Every month this year we are hitting a new restaurant that we have never been too.  And sometimes we invite friends to come with us who might give us the idea for the new place.  This month we invited Marc and Sarah, a couple who were in our young married's group several years ago.  Marc and Al are in investment club together and Sarah and I are in Bible study. 

 This was the place they suggested.

It is in Wichita, west of 135, off 21st street.  You go past this international market.  I will have to shop there sometime!

Sarah, Luke and Kate

Luke came supplied with things to keep him busy while we waited for our food.

Luke loves to figure out how things work.  He wants to know if your gear shift on your car is up by the steering wheel or on the floor.  He is fascinated with blow dryers, lawn mowers, and any construction type vehicles.  Sarah thinks it must have to do with her father's love of physics, mechanics, and engineering. 

Today he told his mommy that the noise of thunder is God using levers and throttles! 

He was very interested in my camera and had to figure out how to use it.  His daddy helped him to take our picture!

After a little wait, our food came.  HUGE portions!!  The plate had to be 15 inches wide!

 Kate is having her supper and Sarah is looking forward to hers!!
And except for Marc, the rest of us could not finish our meals.  Sacked up for another meal at home.

I got a kick out of Luke.  He likes to wear his "work name badge", really his nursery name badge (we got rid of them since we have a new check-in system now in our nursery).  He wants to be just like Daddy!  He pretends to go to work and tells his mommy he has a meeting to go to.  So adorable.  And he's dragging along his ah-da (blankie) to work too!

After we finished the delicious Mexican meal (I highly recommend this restaurant!), we decided to go to Bradley Fair to feed the ducks.  You can see that Luke is carrying a baggie of bread.

When we got down to the lake there was a disappointment.

Mommy told Luke they would have to go to Sand Creek in Newton to feed the ducks another day.  Newton ducks are not dieting.

We took a nice walk around the lake....a little over a half a mile I think.  Which is nothing for Marc who does 100 mile runs.  That is not a typo.  I was not trying to type 10 miles.  I really mean 100 miles.  Like a 24 hour run!

They stopped half way across the lake at the very spot 9 years ago in June where Marc proposed to Sarah.

Luke - "that's enough!"

Like a lot of babies, Sarah says Kate is usually fussy in the evenings. 

But she was quite happy on the walk, and infact fell asleep.

At the end of the walk, we went to Marble Slab.  We were still too full from supper, but Marc and Luke weren't!

It was such a fun evening!!  Looking for ideas for September's restaurant pick!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Busy week

On Monday evening, along with several couples, we were invited to Darrell and Cynda's house to have a surprise dinner with our good friends, Randy and Nedra.

Here is a picture of me, Cynda and Nedra this week

and one from a L-O-N-G time ago.  We share June birthdays and our guys had a party for us.

Randy and Nedra moved to Little Rock, Arkansas to go on staff with Family Life.  A wonderful ministry devoted to helping marriages and helping couples live for Christ.  Be sure to check out their site!  They shared with us what they are doing and what Christ is doing in their lives.   Lots of tears.  God has been so faithful and we are just excited for what He has done in and through them!

* * * * *

Meanwhile, ministry here continues.  Although I have stepped down from director of the nursery, I'm still helping Lori.  The 2 weeks prior to starting the new "year" is incredibly, crazy busy!  These ladies are up till midnight, and often have restless sleep.  It is stressful.  There is much to be accomplished.  Sorting curriculum, putting up new bulletin boards, figuiring out what classes all the children should go to, letters to parents.  And of course, recruiting.  Finding workers who are excited about teaching the little children about Jesus.  Lori and Juli and been on the phone for hours.  There are still holes. 
But we know He will provide.  He promises to meet all our needs.

Here are her children and Sophia dancing around the room to praise music while Lori and I worked.

"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done."  Psalm 78:4  I know I have quoted this verse before, but it is such a good one.  We have to pass on our love for Jesus.  The world speaks loudly to our children, and a lot of it is lies and deception.  Teaching children about Him is one of the highest callings I can think of!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Babysitting Claire

Sophia had a hair appointment so Jill asked if I would watch Claire.

She had had her shots that morning so was not feeling very well.

Sophia told her mommy "Nana will help Claire feel better.  She always makes me feel better."

I am so happy to be a Nana!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Grace's 25th birthday

Yesterday we celebrated our church's 25th birthday.

Our pastor, Dave, from the olden days....

and his wife, Marilyn and our dear friend, Irene, who prayed us to Newton and then to Grace.

Grace Community Church was formed in 1987 by a core group of 13 (including Irene above) who began to sense God's direction to establish a new church.  A church that would share a commitment to the
     teaching of God's Word,
            to one another,
                 and to share the message of salvation with those who do not know Jesus.
A church that would be Biblically grounded and culturally relevant. 
Services began with 48 in attendance in rented facilities in the Cedar Village Shopping Center.

We had a huge birthday bash at church in the evening.  Both Grace Newton and Grace Hillsboro, our campus church, were in attendance.  We were served pulled pork sandwiches with sides.  Long lines but they went fast!  The Body Life Council did an outstanding job!

 A blue-grass gospel team played music while people ate and visited.

 Here are a few of the core group, eating their dinner inside.

There was a bouncy house....

There were sno-cones....

and popcorn....


The train was a big hit!

 Maybe Preston is saying "make it go, daddy!"?

 Ruby began to cry and cry once the train began to move.  Mommy ran to walk alongside.

The kids LOVED this ride!!   Thanks, Greg for your hard work in making this fun choo-choo!

There was a short program to thank Dave.

There was a roast and lots of laughs!

Dave was presented with a Starbucks mug and several $25 gift cards

Sue read a rendition of Isaiah 61           
                              Her daughter presented him with a drawing she made.

They will be called oaks of righteousness,  a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.

What a fun birthday party we had! 
             What a wonderful church family we have! 
                                  What a mighty God we serve!