Saturday, September 8, 2012

Going home

After a few days, it was time to take Emeri and Elijah back to Arkansas to their mommy and daddy.  I could have kept them, but I don't think their parents would have been too happy about that!

About an hour out, we made a stop at that one rest area on 400 that borders the Flint Hills.  Just as we were headed into the restrooms, I noticed this one lady behind me.  She looked so very famliar.  

It was Tammy, a girl who went to school with me my junior and senior years when I came to the States.  She went to kindergarten all the way through highschool with Al at Pretty Prairie.  What are the chances of running into an old school chum at a rest area?!  Their son plays at Pittsburg State and they had just been to a game and were on their way home.

The children enjoyed the freedom from their car seats.

It was lunch time and Eli suggested we eat our lunch here; so that is just what we did!

Then they ran some more.
They needed to get their wiggles out - there was still 4 more hours to drive to get home!

They were so happy to see mommy and daddy!  After many hugs and a nice bath, we walked next door to Grammie and Beebop's house for a wonderful feast!  (yes, "Beebop" is the nick name for their grandpa!)  

Grammie was talking with Emeri about the feast we will have one day in heaven and she didn't know what a feast meant.  So Grammie had told her that when we got back from Kansas, she would prepare a feast.  And it was!!  Beebop grilled salmon, chicken and tuna.  There was an array of other delicious foods too.  And all by candlelight (even though it was daylight.  Still felt so very special to us!)

And the kids were delighted with their new pet bunny that Josh and Staci picked up in Little Rock at their cousins!

We had a wonderful time and hopefully will be able to do it again!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Visiting Grandpa Pete

Grandpa Pete was not able to come to our home for Sophia's birthday party, so we took Emeri and Eli to visit him.

We wheeled him to Aunt Millie's (my Dad's sister) room too.  Of course we had to stop to admire the beautiful birds.

 Aunt Millie enjoyed the visit with her great-nephew and great-niece.

On the way back to Grandpa Pete's room, we stopped to talk with Chip.
 Eli has a Chip on his shoulder!

 Emeri was not too sure about having a try at holding Chip.

Going back to Grandpa Pete's room

After our good-byes, we walked across the street to Grandma Lois' duplex to play for awhile.
The talk is that perhaps in the next couple of weeks, my Dad will be able to move back home with mom!

* * * * *

One of the children's favorite games is "tie up Papa"!  They whisper secretly about capturing him!

Sophie wasn't too happy when she ended up caught up in the rope along with Papa!  We had to unrope her and then with big smiles and much laughter, they finished tying him all up!  Then Papa does his fancy escape and the kids go wild!

What a fun few days we had with Emeri and Eli!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sophia's birthday

Sophia turned 5 this past week!

I put pictures of her 5 years on a pink rick rack. 
                    Sophia wanted a Rapunzel birthday so her mommy designed this clever cake.

Grandma Lois, Adam's parents, Mindy, Al and I joined Sophia's family to celebrate this special day.

 She blew them all out in one blow!  Happy wishes come true!

"Let's give the ribbon to Xander! (Mindy's cat)"
 I don't know what she was thinking but I sure do love this expression!

 "Thank you, Emeri!"

Hannah was interested in this gift too!  An American Girl paper doll from Mindy.
 A bathtub Rapunzel!
   I love how they have girlie Legos now! 

A fun Rapunzel birthday for our sweet princess!

Monday, September 3, 2012

Emeri and Eli come to Kansas!

Our son and his wife celebrated their 10th anniversary a little early with a trip to California and a drive on Highway 1 along the coast!

While they were gone, my daughter-in-law's mother, Lisa, watched the children for a few days.

I drove down to Arkansas Monday afternoon to pick them up and bring them back to Kansas with me!

They were great travelers!  Emeri told me "We are born travelers!"  Of course the DVD player is a big help too!

On Wednesday morning, we drove out to Hannah and Sophie's school to celebrate Sophia's birthday.  Hannah wanted us to peek into her classroom to say "hi" but her class was out to recess when we arrived so we were able to give hugs before we went into Sophie's room.

Sophia was brought to the front of the class.
Then Mrs. Burkhart gave her 5 hugs plus 1 to grow on,
and then prayed for her.
My eyes just got quite moist!  It was all so very sweet!

Singing "Happy Birthday"

Sophie and her mommy passed out the treats.
Sophie told her mommy just what she wanted her to make - rice krispie treats and please add M&M's and chocolate frosting on top.  Jill had not made these before but she obliged the birthday girl!

It was fun to look around the room.

After the party, the kindergarteners went outside to PE. 
We decided to take Eli and Emeri to see some pictures of their daddy when he went to school here.

We went home for awhile, then went to meet the bus when kindergarten was out.

The cousins were going to have a fun time!
They spent the afternoon playing.