Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Christmas, Part 2

After reading and acting out the Christmas story, it was time to open gifts.  The kids had waited so patiently as we didn't open until January 1.

We begin with opening stockings.  Our fireplace isn't big enough to hang 14 stockings so I string them all along the stairs on the banister.  I love filling them!  Every year each stocking has a chocolate Santa and everyone gets some new socks and lots of other goodies.


When I was a young child, my mother sewed a Santa suit for my Dad.  I can still remember my parents telling us not to peek into the living room - but we did and saw my Mom kissing Santa!
Dad has played Santa for years.  Here he came to our boarding school (in Miyakonojo, Japan) for the Christmas program.  I can still remember that day.  My parents had told me that Santa was just for fun and not real.  We knew the story of Saint Nick.  But when I saw him come to our school, I thought, "Santa is real!"  But then when he got close to me, I saw the twinkle in his eye and realized it was my Daddy!  When they retired and moved to North Newton, he was Santa at Kidron for many years.

Then Mom gave us his suit and Al began to dress up for the grandchildren.  Last year, the suit was coming apart and Al said that was probably the end of that.  But the kids gave Al this suit as his gift  for this year so he could still be Santa!
 The kids loved it!!  Some years they have been sort of afraid of him, but this year, they ran into his arms!

 Love this coffee maker for the shower!  Your own barista in the shower!  (actually just a funny box that had something else inside).  But a perfect box for our coffee lover!

Al and I got eachother gifts that we can take on our trip to Israel.  I got him 2 pair of these though.  I will NOT let him just wear 1 pair of undies the entire trip!!  Ha ha!

Several family members got KU shirts.

 I LOVE this necklace!!  All our grandchildren's names!

What fun it was to bless each person with special gifts!  What a gift our family is to us!

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