Saturday, January 12, 2013

What a learning curve!

Al bought me my camera (Nikon D3000) a couple of Christmases ago.  Several of my friends told me I just had to learn how to take pictures in manual mode.  It seemed way too complicated to me.  My brain just doesn't work that way.  For Mother's Day, Al gave me money to take photo lessons.  I was going to take them on-line, but the class filled up too fast and wasn't going to be available for awhile.  I found out about Gina and signed up with her.

This past week I had a day's session with her.  In the morning we went through all kinds of things.  I learned about ISO, aperture, shutter speed, white balance.....   Oh my.  Gina is a great teacher!!  I had such a fun day, but this 50+ lady has a hard time wrapping her brain around it all!  It is going to take major practice!  I debated even mentioning it because I do not want people to judge my pictures to see if I've really learned anything.  Oh well.  I will do my best, but there might be times I switch to auto because I can't figure it out!!  Ha ha!

After lunch, my models came so I could practice what I had learned on them!


Here is my try at movement so it won't show up blurry.

Jill called and asked if I would want to take some more pictures of the girls.  Adam's aunt sent some beautiful  dresses and they wanted to take pictures to send to her.   I said I would try.  I first practiced my settings on this doll.

The girls came and here are a few shots I got.

 Claire kept wanting to eat the netting!  Here I captured Jill trying to remove it.


I thought these angels were just beautiful models!


  1. oh Debby those are GREAT!!!!! Way to go!!! :) I promise learning manual will get easier and easier the more you practice! I am even still learning some day s:)

  2. So fun that you took Gina's class! I still haven't switched to manual or taken time to learn (and I even have somebody who could teach me living in my home! ha!). I love the pictures of the girls in their fancy dresses!

  3. Yay!!! So glad you got to take a class! The pictures are great!!! And your models are beautiful!! Good job!
