Thursday, February 21, 2013


What beautiful snow we have had these past couple of days!
The grandchildren have been so excited!

Even the grands in Arkansas got snow!

Finally my front door decorations seem to be right.  When it was hovering close to 70, they seemed out of place.

 Had to keep the birds happy so I made sure all my feeders were filled yesterday.

We had a lot of snow!  Almost broke a record since 1962.  Our neighbor got stuck in his driveway.  There were not too many people out and about.  Schools and many businesses were closed.

I shoveled a path to the mailbox.  I know they have a motto about "neither snow nor rain....", but the mailmen were not out in our neck of the woods on this day.  That's ok.  I know the downtown office was open (we have a friend who works there and he said so), but probably the mail trucks just couldn't plow through this deep snow.

Hey, did you know that the US Postal service really doesn't have that creed?  I just looked it up:
The United States Postal Service has no official creed or motto.
An inscription on the James Farley Post Office in New York City reads:
Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds.
But most of us believe the motto as it is quoted often.  It is a rare day when they don't deliver!

Al got home from work (he only works a couple of minutes away and he loved zooming there in his 4 wheel drive truck!)

Scraping snow is a huge chore!  Another neighbor down the end of the block had the right idea!

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