Wednesday, February 6, 2013

The Blessing Book

In our young mother's Bible study, we are going through the book "Real Moms...Real Jesus" by Jill Savage.  Today we talked about leading our children.  Our goal for our children is not only to "impart knowledge, but to transform a heart from the world's way to God's way."

This reminded me of "The Blessing Book" that our children received as a wedding gift.  You could make your own for your family.  There are lots of CUTE journals out there so get one and on the first page, you would write the following:


A record of God's love and faithfulness in the lives of the ____________ family.

"You must be very careful not to forget the things God has done for you. Keep reminding yourselves, and tell your children and grandchildren as well." Deuteronomy 4:9

On the next page was this note written to our kids as to what this book is about:

We are so thankful you are family. This book is an idea that was recently shared with us, and we want to share it with you because our book has meant so much to us! It is meant to be a written reminder of God's love and faithfulness in your lives. This idea is based on the "Stones of Remembrance" in Joshua 4. The Israelites took stones from the Jordan riverbed and set them in a special place as a reminder to them and their future generations of God's faithfulness to fulfill His promise to lead them into the Promised Land. Joshua says they did this so 'that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful and so that you might always fear the Lord your God.' v. 24.

You don't have to write in it every week or even every month - just write in it often. You can write big or little ways that God shows His love and faithfulness to you. And when you have children, they can write in it and share in the joy of seeing God work in your family's life. Then, when you are discouraged, you can look back as a family and remember God's faithfulness in the past and be encouraged to trust His faithfulness for the future. You can even take a special day of every year to review God's faithfulness over the last year. It could be your first family tradition! May God bless you as you acknowledge and remember Him.

Isn't this a great idea?  I love to keep track of how God has worked in our family's life and I hope you do too!  God is faithful in all He does!

                                  "What we have heard and known,
                                              what our fathers have told us.
                                 We will not hide them from their children;
                                                    we will tell the next generation
                                          the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord,
                                   His power, and the wonders He has done."
                                                                   Psalm 78:3-4

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