Saturday, May 11, 2013

Play at the park

This past year, Sarah W. and I helped to lead a Bible study with these wonderful young mothers.  We just LOVE them!!!!  We had our last hurrah for the year at the park.  We were going to do it last week, but with the chance of rain, we cancelled.  It looked threatening this week too, but we decided to go ahead and it ended up to be a beautiful morning!  The sun even peeped out for the time we were there.

There were a couple of the young moms who were not able to make it and we missed them!
Here are a few photos from the morning.

Marin is such an adorable little girl!!  Especially in Sunday School with another little girl, Piper.  So ornery together and they just make me laugh!!

 Funny face, Cai!

Julie traveled the furthest to class, driving 30 minutes one way!  We sure enjoyed having you come and brave that drive!  Not the easiest with a little one!

 Notice Luke on the bench in the back?  I think I saw Sarah F. post on facebook that he was sitting there for a bad attitude??

 Precious baby!

Sticks make such a fun toy!

Beth arrived late (naps sometimes cause that!) so she wasn't included in the group photo.  Sad.

Luke and his cheezy smile.

Blake refused to smile.  He usually gives me a nice grin, but not that day.

Drunk (with milk)!

sweet sister love!

This is a real Luke grin!

(Some photos of a couple more kids turned out either blurry or with eyes closed.  Sorry, moms, if your child is not included.)

What a good year we have had and I love seeing God at work in their lives as mothers and wives.


  1. thank you so much Debby! We love you!

  2. Thanks for all you & Sarah W. do!!!! And yes, Luke was on the table because of a bad attitude!
