Wednesday, June 26, 2013


This past weekend my mother celebrated her 87th birthday.
Josh's came up from Arkansas.  
After a 5 hour car ride, the children needed to run off some energy!

On Sunday morning, we went to Grace Hillsboro as a family.
 Josh helped with worship.

Walking home from church.


After lunch!

That evening we went to Mom's place to celebrate her birthday!

 We went outside for a family picture.  Just as the timer was set to go off, Eli took off running.  I love Mom's bursting out in laughter and look at Allen's face!  And below, Eli is included.
 Never know with this fella!

On Monday, we went to sing with Dad at the home.

 and the cousins went to the Hillsboro pool.

and made a trip to the Igloo for snow cones!

 On the last day, the cousins went on a walk by our home.  Here they are doing "Pooh sticks".

The wheat is ready to cut!  Miss those farm days when we would go back to the farm to do this.  These days, Al's brother has it hired so we no longer go out to help.
 Josh teaches my Arkansas grand kids about wheat.


Time for a cousin photo


  1. I love the igloo in Hillsboro! Good memories of getting snow cones after HOT basketball scrimmages at Tabor College.

  2. I saw us in the back of your Hillsboro church pic -- Ha!!! Glad to see that I don't have the only one year-old who cries for pictures (I was laughing at Claire's cute, but sad, face in that cousin picture at the end)!
