Sunday, June 9, 2013

Welcome to town!

The kids had more help with their move once they arrived in their new town also.
 The people from church are just so wonderful!!

People put together the beds and unloaded boxes.

Ladies put sheets on all the bedding

Sophia felt better by mid morning and so we went to join in on the move.  Everything had been unloaded already, but she was able to get in on the unpacking action.  She was a little nervous.  Halfway there she wanted me to turn around and drive back to my house.  Sweet babe.  Praying for her to LOVE her new home and new town and that the girls find friends soon!!

Cleaning out the duct work for the dryer.

Along with a few other women, Mindy helps to put away dishes and they all did a fantastic job!  Hopefully Jill won't have a hard time finding her items!

A race to see who can put the bar stools together the fastest

 And they brought over a grill to fix lunch for everyone who was helping!
 The town's famous sausage patties and franks

This picture cracks me up!

Lunch in her new house!

 My brother and sister-in-law from KC arrived
 and brought a wonderful "welcome to your new home" cookie bouquet

Hope you all feel settled in soon and "at home".

Jill and I were talking last week about how the more she was packing up her Newton home and taking things off the walls, etc., that it was beginning to feel less like home.  And as we were working in this new home and painting it her colors and slowly bringing things over, that this was feeling more like home.

Life can be like that, right?  As we age and loosen our grip on this world, we look more and more forward to heaven.  That is our real home.

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