Saturday, August 17, 2013

Winding down

Summer is winding down.  Only a few more days until the girls are in school.  
They are making the most of it.

Slip and slide

Going to the park - preceded by a stop at Druber's (forgot to take a picture of that!)

Claire has started sticking out her tongue a lot.  Kind of like her Uncle Josh.

Hannah wanted to take photos
 this is the immigrant statue to represent the Mennonite immigrants to this area in 1874

going for a walk

These guys were not happy with us.  They honked loudly to tell us to stay away from their territory!

 With all the rain we have had this summer, the dry river bed has re-filled.

visiting Grandpa Pete

the girls were having fun with his bed!

the home has a bird named Chip
Claire reacting to Chip's screaches

We ladies all went out to eat since the guys were at an elder's meeting

On the way home, we ran into a horrible storm.  Nasty!  Luckily we all made it safely!

Next - taking the older kids to Mary Poppins!

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