Love the Lord your God, listen to His voice and hold fast to Him, for the Lord is your life! Deut. 30:20

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Arkansas, part 2

While we were with the kids in Arkansas, I helped Emeri with her school work. 
 She goes to a school that is part home-school.  Since the children both had mouth, hand and foot disease, she couldn't go to school last week.

Eli enjoyed playing.

We celebrated Josh's and Al's birthdays.  I had made a pie for Mom2Mom at church (and I must say, it was a prize winner!!)  and since it makes 2 pies, I brought the 2nd pie down to Arkansas for the occasion.

We opened gifts.  My mom sent extra gifts for the children.

As usual when we visit, Al helped Josh with home projects.  Staci and Josh were tired of the gold fixtures in their bathroom.  Staci had seen on Pinterest an idea to paint them.  They did replace some of the fixtures, but mostly they painted.

Here is what they used.  It will save them lots of money!

We ate lots of good food!

More to come!

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