Saturday, January 4, 2014

Top Ten

For the past few days I have seen the Top Ten lists on television and in the newspaper.  I thought I would go through 2013 and make my own list.  My top 10 favorite things for this past year.  In no particular order:

1.  Our Biblical studies trip to Israel


Caesarea Maritima

Overlooking Capernaum and Sea of Galilee

2.  Judgement House
This is a walk through drama that our church has done for 6 years.
 After much prayer, I took on the role as Prayer Director, not an easy shoe to fill after my predecessor.  God doesn't need our prayers for Him to act, of course, but He DOES act because of the prayers of His people!  Someone once said that "prayer is the slender nerve that moves the hand of God."  There was a great team of pray-ers and prayer walkers and God answered in great ways!

Al was one of the Gospel presenters, to explain more clearly the story of God's rescue of His people.

So many lives changed!

3.  Cemeteries

Each year we do various "travel" trips.  This year we chose to visit cemeteries.  One each month. A few were:


Betsy Ross

Ben Franklin

Immigrant Volga crosses in NW Kansas

A mass grave of 17 little children of immigrants (some were our relation)

4.  Moves
Adam and Jill's family moved 1/2 hour away.  We don't like that, but we do know God's hand is in it.  At least they aren't in another state or another country - at least, not now!

Mindy moved to a new apartment

And after his fall, Dad was moved to a room in health care.  Mom is just right across the street and sees him 2-3 times a day.  They are only 10 minutes away from us so we visit frequently too.

5.  Visit from far-off relatives
My mother's brothers from Ohio came for a visit.  What a very, special time!!

6.  Japanese get-together
We had a pot luck with friends with Japan connections.

 7.  Photographing

One of my favorite hobbies is to take photos of nature.  I LOVE to see God's handiwork.  I am lifted in such praise to Him for creation!!  So that is something I did often this past year.

An eagle out my window!

A heron pierces a blue gill.

A hawk sits on my deck.

God paints amazing skies! 

8.  Mom's Miracle
In November, while at Adam and Jill's house, my mother fell down a flight of stairs.  13-14 steps!  She hit her head on a door jam at the bottom.  We seriously thought she had broken her neck and had died.  But she was only unconsciousness and after 2 days in the hospital, she was sent home and is just fine!!  I guess God is not done with her yet!

9. Teaching
I had several opportunities to teach this year.
*Once a month I teach the little children who attend Mom2Mom, a ministry of older mom's to younger mom's.
*Once every 6 weeks, I help with children's church at Adam and Jill's church.
*I gave a talk to the Awana T&T girls using a slide presentation about birds; I also teach the young Cubbies and Sparks their stories on rotation.
*I was a speaker to the young mothers at M2M in March and spoke about prayer; sharing practical tips for them and for their children.
*I continue to help lead a young mother's Bible study with a friend of mine each week.  We have 16 young moms in the group this fall.
*I am mentoring a young mom one-to-one.

10. Last but not at all the least - loving the grandkids!

We took Hannah and Sophia to Mary Poppins

Claire began walking this year and is learning new words all the time!

We made a few trips down to Arkansas this year to see these two.

Being a grandparent is GRAND!

* * * * * * * * * * *

 So now it is 2014.  A verse I have picked for myself is Romans 12:12

                             Be joyful in hope,
                                      patient in affliction,
                                                faithful in prayer.

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