Monday, February 24, 2014

Friends - Old and New

This past week as I was visiting my mother at the rehab unit of the nursing home, a lady walked into the room.  She said "You don't know me.  I'm from Nebraska and I read your blog."  

This is my new friend, Jo

She knows my young friend from church, Andrea, as she is from the same town in Nebraska.  Andrea says she went to school with Jo's son!  She "found" me through Andrea's blog.  We have similar interests so she has continued to read my blog.  

Her mother lives around here and recently had a fall and broke her hip.  When they were at the hospital, she saw Al and thought he looked so familiar.  It dawned on her that he was my husband (I put his picture on the blog regularly). 

Then she saw my post of my mother and recognized her as the lady across the hall from her own mother in the nursing home!  Small world!  

Tonight my "old" friends got together to celebrate one of our "sister's" birthday.  

Helen went through a very scary time and we thought we were going to lose her.  Well, as a Christian, she wouldn't be lost!  Not sure why we use that term.  We would know she would be with the Lord, safe in His arms!

But we are blessed that she is recovering from her infection and surgeries!!   
We surprised Helen on her special day.  We all met at the home where she is recovering and went into her room singing "Happy Birthday".  

We couldn't all fit in her room so went to the dining room where we visited and had cake.
We each shared a verse of Scripture with her and then covered her in prayer.

Here is a picture of some of us.   We started out over 20 years ago with just 6 of us.  It evolves year to year. There are 17 of us in the "old ladies" Bible study this year (that is how I distinguish it since my friend Sarah and I lead a young mom's Bible study too).

 I don't mind being called "old".  I grew up in Japan where old age is revered.  And after all...

" White hair is a crown of glory and is seen most among the godly." 
 Proverbs 16:31

Psst - I know.  My hair isn't gray.  But it would be if I didn't use a box.  My children think I should let my hair grow gray, but I can't.  Not yet.  Maybe in 10 years.

Thanking Him for friends, new ones and old ones!

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