Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Mom in the hospital

This past week, I went to help my mother cross the street to see daddy in his room at Kidron.  The street was pretty icy after the storm we had!  The maintenance guys did clean it the best they could but with the temps in the single digits, the ice just wouldn't melt in spots.   So mom called for my help.  

I noticed that something was not quite right on Thursday.  
"Are you feeling ok, Mom?"
She wasn't sure.

On Friday I noticed that she was shuffling along very slowly and by Saturday, she had to hold on to me the whole time we walked.  She had no strength and was very unsteady.

We made a decision to take her in that day and not wait until Monday.  A CT scan revealed that she was bleeding from 2 spots in her brain so she was transferred to Via Christi in Wichita to be seen by a neurosurgeon.  Al and I followed along to see her settled in at the surgical ICU.

On Sunday, we picked Dad up.  I am not able to do that alone, but with Al's help, we were able to get him in the car and take the wheelchair along.

The neurosurgeon told us that he would be doing surgery that same day and not wait as she was declining.

Here we are in the waiting room.  It wasn't a long process; only a 40 minute surgery.  We watched the Olympics, played on our phones and looks like Al took a little nap.

The surgery was a success.  I will spare photos of the staples in mom's head!  But they had to shave off her hair to the crown of her head.  Al says she looks like some of those old bald men who have hair ear to ear and not on top.  Oh dear!!

Mindy and I went to buy some hats for her.

She is doing well.  The back of her knee is in a lot of pain and we aren't sure why.  Her knee has never given her pain before.  Very odd.

She is quite sensitive to medication and she was pretty loony yesterday.  It gave me lots of laughs, which is a good thing with the strain of all this.  She called her nurse "Ramona" (that isn't her name).  She looked at the chair by her bed and asked if she had a room-mate.  Later she thought it was my dad and said "Pete, what are you going to order for dinner?"  When I was getting ready to go home that evening, she said "You're walking home??  You be careful.  It can be dangerous!"

Today (Wednesday) they plan to move her to a regular room.  And they are only giving her Tylenol for pain.  Appreciate prayers for her knee.  (it was x-rayed and she does not have a blood clot or anything that would indicate the pain)

A verse that has brought comfort to our family is from Philippians 4:7:
God's far more wonderful than the human mind can understand.  His peace will keep your thoughts and your hearts quiet and at rest as you trust in Christ Jesus.

God is on the throne - before, during, and after trials.  We have seen His guidance and His going before us in this whole thing.  "Surely I am with you always!"

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