Saturday, June 7, 2014


Every year I get to witness a robin and her babies.
Each year, they find a different spot to build their nests.  
This time these particular robins built it in the 
birch tree at the front of our home.  

Aren't they sweet?

One morning as my husband went out to mow the lawn,
 he peeked into the nest and realized that it was empty.

During the day, I would catch the momma bird hopping about on the lawn.  
As I would search, I would see that the baby was not too far off.  
The momma (or daddy, who can tell) was keeping an eye out for him.

As we were filling the fountain out front, 
Al told me to take a look at our front door.
There was the baby bird.  
Maybe he wanted to be invited in?

 Then he took off and flew to the window.

That evening, we sat on our lawn chairs out front.  
I was curious if the baby would return to the tree for the night. 
 It wasn't long until I heard the mother calling out.
"Chirp!  Chirp!"
It is a distinct sound.

 Then it wasn't too long and the momma and the baby were in the tree!  Above the nest.

The momma stayed by the baby's side for some time and then took off.  The baby was probably quite tired from the day of exploring, finding worms to eat and places to hide from cats!
 I once again heard the chirp chirp cry of the momma.  This time I saw her and another baby fly into the maple tree, next to this tree.  Since there was not a nest in that tree, I am assuming it was baby #2.

I don't know what happened to baby #3.  He had actually taken off the day before these two.  Probably the other parent had his eye on him too.

                                                                         * * * * * * *

I'm sure it was a little scary for the baby birds to go off on their very own.  But the parent was always close by.  "Despite how it may seem, the Lord 'is not far from each one of us' (Acts 17:27).  This is true even when we feel abandoned."

Under His wings I am safely abiding;
Through the night deepens and tempests are wild,
Still I can trust Him - I know He will keep me;
He has redeemed me and I am His child.

                                                                             Taken from the Daily Bread

1 comment:

  1. Still praying for Kayla!! Can you update us on how she is doing?
