Saturday, August 9, 2014

Four days

Last week our son-in-law went to the church conference in Illinois to speak on behalf of their church plant.
Then our daughter joined him in Chicago for a few days of reminiscing of their college and dating days.

So we were privileged to babysit our granddaughters for 4 days!  What a fun time we had!  After dropping Mommy off at the airport, the girls and I went to a park in Wichita.

Each day the girls helped me water my flowers

We made some new stepping stones


 After we finished, Papa began to mow the lawn.

 While he was mowing he found a little purple martin that had fallen out of his nest.
 Al lowered the bird house

 I had Googled about what to do.  They say that if you get it in the wrong nest, it could go badly for the bird.  So we placed him on the ledge.
Later on, he was not on the ledge any longer, and he was not on the ground so we can only hope he found his way into the right nest.

The girls are hard workers and they helped sweep up the grass after Papa finished his mowing and trimming. 

And then after all that work, they were ready to raid the pantry!  Nana keeps some pretty yummy goodies there!

to be continued.......

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