Friday, August 22, 2014

Mom and Dad

Last week when I went to visit my parents, I noticed that my mother was having trouble breathing.  She was feeling weak she said.  I had the nurse at the home take her blood pressure and pulse.  Erratic and rapid.  Since it was after doctor's office hours, I took her to the local hospital ER.

After running several tests well into the evening, she was admitted.  Diagnosed with Afib, leaky valves and congestive heart failure.  Mom was hospitalized for several days.

She was very sad to miss out on the baptisms of her granddaughters on Saturday evening.  We made sure to video tape it for her and dad!

 On Sunday afternoon, she was suddenly dismissed!  We were rather surprised.

We had planned to have a birthday party for Dad and Mindy Sunday evening and she was sure she was going to miss that too.  She wanted the party to go on as planned and was so happy she would be able to be there to celebrate!

I took her home and she rested in the afternoon.
That evening, we wheeled my dad over from his room in the home.
He was so surprised and happy to see mom!!

We celebrated Dad's 91st birthday and Mindy's 30th!!

My oldest brother and wife sent him this unusual card.
You blow on the "candle" and it sings "happy birthday".
Everyone had to try it!
 My brother in Washington state sent Dad some albacore and home-made cookies.

We were so glad mom could make it home for the party!
We didn't let her lift a finger and kept the party short.
Daddy was so pleased to have mom there to celebrate!
We continue to pray for my mother.  She remains in good spirits and is cheerful as always.   

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