Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Hummingbirds and clouds

We have a few hummingbirds that visit regularly.  What I have never seen before is one that just enjoys sitting on top of the feeder.  He sits there a long time!  Many times a day!

I love how you can see his little beak parted in song.
The purple martins have left so Al took down the house.
This photo was teken on a foggy morning.

Foggy mornings are beautiful!

I LOVE the way God paints the sky every day!! ....


...and I enjoy the reflection into my home
(I hope the Son reflects on the home of my heart too!)

Our neighbor's dog, Fye, thinks I'm wierd, taking pictures all the time.

God speaks to us in bird and song,
In winds that drift the clouds along,
Above the din and toil of wrong,
A melody of love.
               - Joseph Johnson, 1888

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