Thursday, October 23, 2014

Arkansas trip, continued

Although Emeri goes to the private school on Monday and Wednesday, Tuesday and Thursday are for homeschooling.

Eli also joins in.  Getting ready for kindergarten. 
In our day, you learned these things in kindergarten. 
Emeri is learning things in 1st grade that I didn't learn until 3rd.

 Beautiful fall day!

My grandpa was a photographer and developed his own film in the cellar of their home.  I enjoy photography and my son is really good at it.  Emeri wants to do it too.  It really is a fun hobby!

 The kids have a guineau pig and gerbil that are kept at their grandparent's house next door.

Emeri cracks me up.  She found this ring.  
She is keeping it to give to her future husband!

Having a good time with the family in Arkansas!

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