Tuesday, November 25, 2014

An art project

A couple of weeks ago, instead of doing our young mom's Bible study (we are studying Nancy Guthrie's book "The Promised One"), we surprised the girls. Kendall had shared an idea with us the week before and I asked her if she would help us do this art project. 

Sarah H. summarized the concept that the paintings represent:

An umbrella is designed to provide protection from various elements of nature: rain, hail, snow, wind or sunshine. 

As long as a person is under an umbrella, he or she finds shelter from harsh weather conditions. If he or she steps out from under the umbrella, he or she is exposed to the environment. 

God-given authorities, such as parents, are an umbrella of protection to their children. By honoring and submitting to parents, children receive protection and direction.  

If children step out from under their parents’ umbrella of protection, they forfeit their place of protection and face life’s challenges and temptations on their own. 

The good news is, no matter where we step or what we face, our children (or any of us adults) are never outside of God’s loving heart. “That you…may have the power…to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ.” Ephesians 4:18

Even as a grown up - a grandmother - this painting shows me that God has given me through His Word His guidelines for how I should live.  I can choose to follow Christ, or I can choose my own way.  No matter what, because I am His child, He never will quit loving me.

We were sad that there were 7 girls gone that day - illness and whatnot.  Allison had the best excuse.  She had a sweet little Molly girl!!

1 comment:

  1. These turned out so great, Debby! I'm a little jealous of them!
