Sunday, December 28, 2014

Friends' welcoming home

After Kathy took us to Pt. Loma (prior post), she drove us to their home in Chula Vista.

Don had arrived home from work and was icing his foot.
He had had surgery and a day in shoes was still a little difficult for him.

I am not a dog person, but Daisy was pretty special!

 Kathy fixed dinner for us and we talked and laughed for a long time!  How good to reconnect with our friends who have moved to California.  We used to be in small group at church together and then they also worked with me in the nursery for some time as check-in workers.

Their home is just "delicious"!!  I told Kathy it looked like a Pottery Barn home!

When you live by the sea, of course, you have to have ornaments that reflect that!

 There was a picture of the grandkids, who attend church with us and are quite adorable!!  Luckily, Don and Kathy are able to fly back fairly often to give hugs!

 They remodeled this home and I just love it!

Don was in the navy and they spent part of the time in Japan.  There was a really nice painting of Mt. Fuji (Fuji-yama) on the cupboard.

I forgot to get a picture of the room we stayed in, but the quilt in there was red and so very pretty!  And at the end of the bed, she had draped a quilt made by her aunt that had red flowers on it.  Like I said, Pottery Barn style.

 The cool thing about California, is that you can spend much of your living time outdoors.  You can leave doors open and not worry about bugs flying in.  Kansas, not so much.  It is windy, it is too cold in the winter and too hot in the summer, and of course, bugs all the time.  You cannot leave doors ajar!

You can see the mountains of Mexico from their back yard.

I could hear a little trill from the trees.
A yellow-rumped warbler, I think. 
 We had such a good time with these two!  Wonderful hostesses and friends!


  1. What a beautiful home!

  2. As cold as it is now in Kansas, if I could I would move to CA. Nice home.
