Sunday, January 4, 2015

Bad news

In the morning while I was writing in my journal and having my devotions, I realized that the date was 12-13-14!  Don and Kathy had plans to go watch the navy/army game.  They had invited us to go along, but we thought it was a great moment for us to go visit our sister-in-law.   

Pat was married to Al's brother.  Harley passed away in 2007 and instead of a regular funeral, Pat rented a boat and his ashes were thrown at sea, per Harley's request.

Pat is now with a guy named Alan, who is also a pharmacist, like my Allen.

When we got to their home, they had a nice welcome for us.
And because they heard I had dog-phobia, they put their "sweet" doggie outside just for me!

I am so glad!  He is a rotweiler!!  I know they say he'd just lick you to death, but that's just it, right?? I was so grateful for their kindness and compassion although they must have thought me a wuss!  At one point, he even knocked Pat over and she needed help getting up.  That is one BIG dog!!

Alan has a hobby.  He likes to do reinactment of the medieval ages.  This is his suit of armor!  He had several swords around the house. 

They took us out to eat at an Italian hole-in-the-wall.

After delicious Italian food, they took us to the top of Mt. Helix, overlooking LaMesa/San Diego.  You can see into Mexico.

 There is this house that revolves!
 Wouldn't that be cool?  I'd set it so that during the day, my living room would overlook the city, then at night, my bedroom would see the lights of the city.  

After we got back, we said our good-byes.  Luckily, they held the dog back for me.  (you can see Pat straining at the leash!!)  Thank you!!!
 We got back to Don and Kathy's.  Received a phone call from my daughter, Mindy.  "Mom, Grandma is worse.  I think it is time to put her on hospice."  What??  It had only been about a week ago that we had put mom in health care!

She had sounded weaker, but I had no idea that she would decline so rapidly!  I had been told that her vitals were good and it would be fine to go on this trip.  And Mom insisted that I enjoy myself and not change plans.  The kids had kept me in touch and I had talked with mom each day.  And now we are talking that she isn't going to make it?

We tried to change air flights so we could leave that evening.  But all the further we got was getting back to Wichita 6 hours earlier and it costing $3,000.  We began to pray that the Lord would help her to hang on, if that was His will.  I wanted to see her again.  To say good-bye.

That evening, we went with Don and Kathy to Shadow Mountain church, where David Jeremiah is the pastor.  I have enjoyed his books and his radio program, Turning Point.  They were playing some Christmas songs, including a few secular ones.  

One song they played was, "I'll be home for Christmas." 
 "Lord, please help me get home soon, to see my mother" I prayed.

After church, we went out to another hole-in-the-wall, this time a Mexican fish restaurant.  We love these places, rather than the regular chain restaurants!!  And, oh man, the food was so good!  We had rock shrimp, fish tacos, etc.  Mmm-mmm-mmm!  The son of the owner was playing with his high school jazz band.  They were being graded for it.  Kathy was so very friendly and encouraging to the owner.  She reminds me of my mom, who did not know a stranger.

We headed to the airport to pick up Don and Kathy's boys!  They were coming in for a Broncos ball game the next day!

We see them often at church back home, so it was wierd to see them here in California!

We were heading back in the morning for Kansas.  So anxious to get home to see my parents!

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