Friday, January 23, 2015

Mom's story; moving to Kyushu Island

Mom and Dad were in language school for 3 years.

During this time, another little baby boy was born.  They named my brother Douglas.  They decided that they would give all their children names beginning with the letter D with the middle names beginning with A, then-B-C-D.  David Avery and then Douglas Brent.

Uncle Verney and Dad went to Kyushu Island to scope it out as a possible place to begin their work.  It was agreed that the gospel was needed in this area. 

 All the families then boarded a ferry to Kyushu.  When there, they decided which city each family would serve. 

My parents decided that they would move to the Aburatsu/Nichinan area. 

Aburatsu is a coastal town and also has a pulp industry.

A home was built for them.  (this was the home I grew up in)

 Their ministry began with a good old-fashioned tent ministry.  They would go throughout the town, making announcement of the time for the meeting.

It wasn’t long before there were enough people to begin a church.  At first they met in the upstairs of our home.

 Eventually a church was built. 

They started a Christian kindergarten for Japanese children.  It was called Kei-Ai Yochiyen or Grace-Love Kindergarten.  From the beginning it was staffed by Christian teachers and was a positive Christian witness in the community.   My Dad was the principal and was called Encho-sensei.  Mom often helped with teaching.  Approximately 200 children attended.   It was built right by our home and the playground became our playground! 

My parents both taught English to Japanese along with a Bible study.  Because of Mom's enjoyment of cooking, she began a women’s group, called fujinkai, where the women learned western ways of cooking and entertainment along with English and Bible.  Most of these women became believers in Christ and I have many fond memories of their love and care for our family.

to be continued...

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