Sunday, February 22, 2015

A science project

 We went to the kids' house so that Allen could help Hannah with a science project using dry ice.

Hannah was anxious to get started, but Papa said they must first discuss the hypothesis and plan the method of the experiment and list all the items needed to carry out the experiment.  That was not Hannah's favorite part!  She wanted to get started!

 Dry ice is VERY cold!  -109.3 degrees.  You cannot touch it with your bare hands!
 If you press a spoon against the dry ice, it will actually scream!!

I was thinking that when we are pressed with trials, we want to scream too!    But we can trust our loving Heavenly Father to come through for us in uncertain times.

We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair.  2 Cor. 4:8

The next experiment, Hannah placed the dry ice in a vace and then added hot water.

The vapor boiled over.

Next, she added cold water.
 The vapor didn't rise as far.

With the next experiment they slid a tape that had bubble solution on it across the top.

It formed a cool bubble that kept rising.

Look at those pretty rings at the top!

The dry ice was boiling in the vase and you could hear the sound.

 It was so fun, we did it over and over.

 It was fun to pop

It would grow and then pop in a poof.

We did it in a large bowl.

 A very cool experiment!!  Some day we want to go see this Mr. Science guy in Little Rock.

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