Wednesday, March 25, 2015

An early Easter

It was delightful to get out the Easter decorations!
I was ready for Spring!

Of course, the kids all like THIS one!!  Yummy!!

It is hard to find an Easter decoration that is about the REAL reason for Easter!  
Several years ago, a friend made these.  I had to get one!
You can actually roll the stone and place the figures where you want.
My friend passed away from cancer so it is especially a precious piece. 

See the communion cup?  That is one that I got in Israel.  We had communion at the garden tomb Easter morning 2 years ago.

Our Arkansas kids came for the weekend and so I decided we should celebrate our Easter since they wouldn't be here for that and our other grandkids will be having Easter with their daddy's side of the family.

 We began first of all with the re-telling of the real Easter using symbols.

I have made my own, but you can purchase these too.  Just Google Resurrection Eggs or go to a Christian bookstore and you can get them.

I begin with a flower in the first egg.  "In the beginning, when God created the world, it was perfect!"
2nd egg - "But sin entered the world"  There is a black felt heart in this egg.

3rd egg - a little baby  "God knew He would need to send His own Son to rescue the world"

etc.  I just followed the Easter story and found things to represent the story.  Rope, purple cloth, flat rock, dice, sponge.....

The last egg is empty to represent...
the empty tomb!

We had 2 Easter egg hunts.  In the morning, it was a little chilly, so we had an indoor hunt.

I color coded the eggs.  Each child was assigned a color and there were 10 eggs per child.  This way, if they found another color (Claire's were the easiest, being placed in plain sight, whereas, Hannah's were rather complicated to find!) they were to leave it for the person who had that color.

It warmed up in the afternoon, so we had an outdoor hunt.
(have no idea why the kids drew on their foreheads)

Do others put their eggs in the car handles and on top of the tires?

We were having trouble finding the last egg.
What do you know, 
Claire discovered it first and showed the others where it was.

Guess next year, we will have to hide hers in more difficult places too!

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