Thursday, March 5, 2015


Has it really been 10 years since we moved to our home?!

After the children were all out of the nest, they would come home with their spouses and it would feel a little crowded.  We realized that once grandchildren began to arrive, it could be quite tight when they would all come home to visit.  We asked the children how they would feel if we would sell the home they had grown up in.  They agreed to it!

So put our home on the market and found a lot to build a home on.

We rented a home in the country for 6 months since our home sold right away.  The Josts were wonderful landlords!
The one big memory we have of that time is the ice storm that hit.  It looked like a tornado had come through!

Our home went up and then the big day came!

March 5 - move day!

The Josts cleaned up their cattle trailer and our small group and young couple friends came to help us move!

You know what is funny?  Al still wears those same clothes!

I actually didn't have these pictures in my computer.  I didn't have Picasa back then, so I had to scan them in.  I wasn't a blogger 10 years ago.  Was there even such a thing?  I don't think I had heard about blogging.  What fun to share these oldie pictures!

My Daddy - before his stroke!

 Ten years later, this street is all developed.

 Not easy to move this upright grand!
 Becky and the women provided a meal for all who helped.

  Jan visiting with my sweet momma.
How we have enjoyed this home!
Time has slipped by so fast!

Happy Birthday, house!

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