Thursday, April 16, 2015

Hope Renewed - part 1

This past weekend, I attended the Hope Renewed conference at our church.

I wasn't sure if I could do it.  Our kids were headed to Orlando for a Gospel Coalition conference for pastors and I was going to be spending Sunday - Thursday with the grandkids.  A busy time.

A couple of people encouraged me to do it anyway, even if I couldn't be there the whole time.  It began Friday evening.  It was pretty relaxed.  

There was a testimony from this adoptive mom on the left.

The adoptive mom on the right is a sweet friend who is soon moving to Colorado Springs, where her husband has gotten a job with Compassion. 
We will MISS her, but know God is leading them! 
You can read her blog here.  She tells how God is directing them.  

I loved what she shared - that God knows us intimately because He lives IN us!

Lindsey, so full of energy, spunk and just a lot of fun, taught us a game.

This was followed by ice-cream and just good fellowship.

Someone once said that fellowship is like "2 fellows in the same ship".  Adoptive moms understand eachother, so I guess that does fit the description.  So many people don't get why some of us have chosen to expand our families through adoption.

The evening ended with a movie -
"Girls Night Out".

What a great idea to offer us blankets to snuggle under while we watched the movie!

Along with popcorn!

Incidently, I was the oldest one there!!  My good friend, Shirley, age 80 (who inspired us to adopt) was on her way to China.  And another "older" mom got sick and couldn't come either.  These young moms are all in the midst of raising their kids.

Part 2 - Saturday, next post.

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