Monday, April 6, 2015

Sleepovers and goodbyes

When the cousins were here, they decided on the spur of the moment to have a cousin sleepover.  Eli had never had one - except at his Grammie's house next door.  
  They had a great time!  They all slept well too!

 (Of course, Sophia had to cross her eyes as she likes to do!  We keep telling her that her eyes will stay that way some day!  Did your parents ever tell you that?)
 On Sunday, our family worshiped together.  The last time we had done that was Thanksgiving and my mother had come with us.  We had no idea that within 2 weeks, she would be in heaven!

When we arrived in town, we saw that Claire and Jill were walking to church.  Adam and the older girls were already at church.  Emeri and Eli ran to meet their Aunt Jill and Claire.

 Josh helped Adam with worship, along with Emily.

He is worthy to be praised!!

After church, we went to Jill's for lunch. 

And then it was time for good-byes.
"Sophia, when we grow up, let's go to college together and room together!"(since their sleep-over went so well!)
Eli, ever the philosopher, says "Plans can change."

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