Saturday, May 16, 2015

Young Moms

For many years now, Sarah and I have led a young mom's Bible study group.  Here is a photo from one of our first groups.

It all began when we mentored the wives of the young couple leaders at church.

The past few years, we have opened up the Bible study to any young mom who wants to get together to study the Bible.  Every year it is different as some girls go on to other opportunities and new girls come seeking a place to find friendships and get to know their Saviour more!  Here is this year's group minus a few who were missing due to illnesses.

We had lots of illnesses this year.  So much guck going around!!  

We've also had lots of babies over the years too!  Here are this year's babies:

This one is hiding his face.

This year we studied this book.

Here is a preview I read about it:
The Promised One is a 10-part study guide for women which "is uniquely designed to help you to look into the wonder of the first book of the Old Testament, Genesis —and see how it prepares for and points to Christ". The controlling scriptural passage is Luke 24:27 in which Jesus instructed the disciples on the road to Emmaus. The verse reads, "And beginning with Moses and all the prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself" (ESV). On this foundation Guthrie writes, "Most people see the Bible as a 'guidebook for life.' But Jesus is saying here that the Bible is not about what God wants us to do but about who God wants us to see. And it is Jesus we are going to see as we study Genesis together" 

 We took 2 weeks to do each chapter so it lasted the year for us.  What an overview to see the whole of Scriptures pointing to Christ!  Beginning in Genesis!  We did find some of the questions hard to answer, but the chapter reads were good.  And the girls did NOT like filling out the charts!  Well, some of them might enjoy that kind of thing.

As the year came to a close, we decided to have a fun movie night at church.

We ordered pizza and we all brought some munchies too.  This is a favorite!!  Sarah calls it White Crack, because it is so addictive!  Very true!

6 cups Crispix cereal
3 cups Cheerios toasted oat cereal
2 cups pretzels (I use small pretzel sticks)
2 cups dry roasted peanuts
1 lb M&M's plain chocolate candy
1 lb plain chocolate or vanilla almond bark


Combine all ingredients except almond bark in a large bowl.
Melt almond bark in a double boiler or microwave.
Pour over all ingredients.
Stir until well coated.
Spread on wax paper until cool.
Break pieces apart.

Warning:  1/15th of the recipe is 506 calories!  23 g of sugar!  Yea.  Not the healthiest.  But it sure is yummy.  


These girls were being silly and playing with an app that tries to guess your gender and your age.  Too funny!!

Incidently, this young momma had her baby yesterday!!!  Congratulations!!!

We are all so blessed with all these little ones!!

 It may have gotten a little late for some of these mommies.

 Coffee helps though!

Have a great summer, gals, and looking forward to next year for those who want to join us!  We are thinking about doing this study:

You know your mom’s advice.
You know the parenting trends your friends are following.
But do you know what the Bible teaches about parenting your children?

Entrusted with a Child’s Heart moms' study is a 22-week plan for creating a loving and disciplined family life based on specific truths from God’s Word. Find hope and direction as you begin to learn biblical solutions for  parenting. Gain confidence and timeless wisdom each week as you listen to practical teaching from seasoned mom and counselor Betsy Corning. Then make new friends and receive encouragement from your time with other moms during group discussion time. 

We did this study awhile back, but the moms who did it said they could use a refresher!  Their kids are older and being a mom is hard, no matter the age of the child!  Even Grandmas can learn new things!

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