Monday, September 7, 2015

Worship time family style

A benefit of making your kids take music lessons when they are young is being able to listen to them in your old age.  I LOVE it!!  
Josh is now a worship pastor and Jill teaches piano lessons.

Last Sunday our kids led worship at church.

Side note:  Josh's guitar is a personalized one he got from Dehradun Guitar in India.  Click on that link!  Josh's friend and mentor, Dave Murray, moved to India in 2010, along with his family.  Their idea was to help Indian artisans.  Mel started a textile-based fashion company called JOYN and Dave started this guitar company.

 Peeking into the children's worship time during the Sunday School hour.

I had never heard this song before, but boy, it really resonated with me!
Lately, I have been so overwhelmed by God's extravagent love!

Satan tries to discourage and tell lies, saying you aren't worth anything.
Doesn't matter what he says.   It is who God says I am!

Adam has begun a series on Revelation.  
You can listen here.

 After a good old fashioned potluck - oh, who doesn't love those???? - Josh's family had to head back to Arkansas.  And we had to do our "silly wave good-byes"!!  This is a family thing we do everytime we say good-bye!

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